lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

1st Comenius partnership meeting - REPORT

1st Comenius partnership meeting
European Labour Market – Take On The Challenge

Place: Gimnazija Tolmin, Slovenia
Date: 2. – 7. 10. 2013
Participating schools:

The Comenius team started the 1st year of the partnership meeting of the teachers from the participating countries in Gimnazija Tolmin, Slovenia.
The main aim of this meeting was to prepare all activities for the 1st year and revised them keeping in mind three student exchanges in 2013/14.

1. Agreements on the work
2. Distribution of tasks
3. Communication between partners: ways of communication and frequency
4. The calendar
5. Evaluation planning, monitoring and dissemination of the project

We have agreed that:
-          Belgium team will prepare website till 20.11.2013. They will give other countries instructions how to upload (administration password). We discussed about layout of the website, categories and menus.
-          Each country will prepare presentations about their country, region, town and school and upload them to the website.
-          Spain team has prepared the platform ( We will use it to communicate between teachers.
-          Spain team has prepared also the blog ( Teachers and students will use it as a diary (they will upload what they are doing).
-          Each country will make logo (blue colour and word Comenius must be used. It must represent European labour market). The best three from each country will be sending to the platform or to Lucia. Dates are as follows:
o   25.11.2013 – upload logos
o   26.11.2013 – Spain will upload them on the blog
o   26. 11. - 16.12.2013  - voting
o   16.12.2013 – voting is closed
o   19.12.2013 – winner will be make public
-          Greece has to choose words for the glossary about labour market, employment, CV (in Greek and English) and then send the glossary to other countries. On the 15th January 2014 Greece will upload the glossary on to the platform. Other countries will translate (French language – 1st half Belgium, 2nd half France) and upload again on to the platform (25.1.2014). Greece will prepare a booklet to be brought to Spain. Maria will upload the booklet on the website (4 – Applying for the job).
-          Each school will fill up the Europass and bring it to Belgium (exhibition).
-          We will evaluate the project. Lucia will send the evaluation form to Marie-Regine.
-          School can prepare a job orientation corner with computers so that students can find information about it.
-          Each school must bring to Spain leaflets, booklets, posters, flags and other material for the temporary exhibition in Belgium.
We also agreed on the dates for exchanges:
-          5 – 10/ 02/ 2014 – Spain
-          26 – 30/ 03/ 2014 – Belgium
-          7 – 12/05/ 2014 – Finland
-          17 – 22/0 9/ 2014 – Greece
-          25 – 30/ 03( 2015 – France
-          8/ 05/ 2015 – final meeting in Valencia, Spain

Maximum number of students from each school is seven.

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