martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

JOBFAIR GPH Belgium . 27th february

Etudes et profession :pour un choix réussi !

Photos of the Job Fair we organized in our school on 27 February.
     Students of the project present Powerpoint slides about their research into the job market in the countries involved.
    Two professionals talk about their jobs to small groups of senior students (there were several presentations going on at the same time). Here : one is a teacher who has a degree in translation / the other works in the field of marketing.

     The  first is with an engineer talking about his job
-     The second is with a career counsellor from Mons University, talking about jobs which are short of supply / or those for which there are prospects.

-    The third is a group of students answering a questionnaire at the end of the activities.

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